Rent terms

Картинки по запросу условия аренды авто с водителем

In order to order a passenger transportation service, you need to call LUXCAR on one of the telephone numbers indicated in the contact section, or by filling out an on-line application on our website, after which our employee will contact you shortly to clarify the route and cost.

Car rental conditions with driver

  • In the provision of services in Minsk, payment is made at the end of the route after hours worked or mileage.
  • If you need to book a car for a specific date, the Customer makes an advance payment of 10% of the order value.
  • If necessary, extend the order during its execution - the Customer makes a surcharge to the driver.
  • When paying, the time of use of the vehicle is rounded up to 30 minutes.
  • The customer does not have the right to open and drink alcoholic beverages, as well as to smoke in the cabin of the vehicle without the driver’s permission.
  • The customer is financially responsible for broken or soiled items of the vehicle interior.
  • All additional costs associated with paying for parking - paid by the customer.
  • When ordering passenger transportation in Belarus, the fare is calculated in both directions.
  • The customer does not have the right to demand a traffic violation from the driver.
  • In the event of a vehicle malfunction - the Landlord provides the Customer with a vehicle of equivalent (not lower) class.
  • The landlord is not responsible for the delay caused by force majeure.

Cashless payments:

When ordering by bank transfer, the cost of services increases by 10%.
When ordering services, you thereby confirm that you accept the above rules of service!

Inside the car is prohibited:

  • Smoking (you can always stop for a smoke break).
  • Open bottles of champagne, wine and carbonated drinks.
  • Use substances that may stain or damage the interior.
  • Use open fire, including arranging salutes and fireworks.
  • Shooting inside the cabin with professional video cameras with incandescent lamps or with flashlights that have sharp edges, tripods for cameras and video cameras.
  • Put foreign objects on the car body.
  • Lean out of windows and hatches while driving.
  • Please do not leave the car to a complete stop. Make sure that there are no other cars nearby.

Calculating the cost of rent

Within the city of Minsk - hourly pay. Outside of Minsk - a fare for 1 km is applied (the fare is calculated in both directions).
Ordering our services, you confirm that you accept the above rules of service!